
31 Days of Halloween – Day 24

Posted by on October 24, 2014 | 0 comments

Hallowtober Day #24

Have a bonfire.  Nothing says autumn to me like a crackling fire in the woods… or, your backyard.  First of all, it smells amazing, keeps you cozy toasty, and it makes me daydream of how the druids must have gathered around a similar fire, chanting and celebrating the coming of a new season.  I feel like there’s so much magic in the flames.  I love how the different colors and patterns keep shifting and transforming, and how all of the embers that float up through the air remind me of fireflies (this may be where they’ve gotten their name, no?) and fairy dust.  When I was a wee one our local fire station held a HUGE Halloween bonfire in this little clearing by the drugstore.  It would be fun watching the pile of wood growing day by day, so that when Halloween night finally arrived it was gigantic (well, to my little eyes anyways).  After trick or treating we would all make our way down to the bonfire to meet up with friends, neighbors, and have hot dogs and soda (or as in my pre-LA days I used to say, pop) from the food truck that the fire department would provide.  This is one of my fondest memories of growing up around this time of year.  Start a tradition of your own and find a bonfire to partake in this year!




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31 Days of Halloween – Day 23

Posted by on October 23, 2014 | 1 comment

Hallowtober Day #23

Create a Halloween board book for your little ones, or for your friends kids.  Pick a fun topic (I want to do one about a family of crows and how they would celebrate Halloween) and draw away!  You can even get creative with cardboard tied together with orange and black yarn to give it a more ‘board book’ feel.  If the artist inside escapes you, then go buy a board book from your local bookstore.  It’s a wonderful way to show your support of so many of the talented children’s book illustrators and writers out there.  Here are a few of my Halloween favorites:

Board books




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31 Days of Halloween – Day 22

Posted by on October 22, 2014 | 0 comments

Hallowtober Day #22

Butternut squash…. oh how I love thee, let me count the ways… it’s a powerhouse in nutrients such as fiber, antioxidants, vitamin B6 (essential for the proper functioning of both the nervous and immune system), and carotenoids (shown to protect against heart disease). In particular, this gourd boasts very high levels of beta-carotene (which your body automatically converts to vitamin A), identified as a deterrent against breast cancer and age-related macular degeneration. What’s more, with only a 1-cup serving, you get nearly half the recommended daily dose of antioxidant-rich vitamin C.  With nutrients like that, it’s the best fall-harvest squash in my opinion, and this time of year I can’t get enough of it.  My favorite dish to make with it is my very own Fall Casserole.  And its so tasty, and easy to make:

    • What you’ll need:
      • 1 medium to large butternut squash
      • Olive oil
      • Sage
      • 4 Chicken apple sausage links (or any other type of meat you like, ground beef works really well here too.  You can also omit this part if you’re vegan or vegetarian)
      • 1 cup Quinoa
      • Garlic salt
      • Pepper

Butternut seasonings

    • Time to get cookin:
      • Heat oven to 425
      • Cut the butternut squash length-wise, scoop out the seeds and discard, drizzle olive oil over the squash and rub with a paper towel to coat evenly.  Sprinkle with sea salt and pepper and place some sage leaves inside the hollows.  Pierce the outside skin with a knife a few times (this will help it cook all the way through).  Place cut side down on a foil lined cookie sheet.  Depending on size of squash, bake for about 45 min to an hour, or until you can easily pierce with a butter knife.

Butternut Squash

Butternut seasoned

      • While the squash is filling your home with a divine scent,  measure 1 cup quinoa and rinse well in a fine mesh strainer (I learned this the hard way when using a regular strainer.. the quinoa all washed down the drain because the grains are so small!).  Place 2 cups water and 1 cup quinoa in a pot and set to boil.  Once it boils set to simmer until all of the water is absorbed, about 15 minutes.
      • While the quinoa is happily bubbling away, start to brown your chicken apple sausage.  Season with garlic salt and pepper, and about 5 minutes before the sausage is cooked throughly, tear up some fresh sage leaves and throw em’ in there to mingle with the sausage mixture.
      • Once everything is cooked through, scoop out your butternut squash into a large bowl, and add in the quinoa and sausage.  Mix all ingredients together and season with a bit more garlic salt and pepper to your liking.  Voila!  Feast to your hearts content!  It’s a deliciously healthy, protein filled dish!

Butternut close up

Butternut bowl




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31 Days of Halloween – Day 21

Posted by on October 21, 2014 | 0 comments

Hallowtober Day #21

This may come as a shock, but check out the Martha Stewart Halloween magazine.  Leisurely page through while taking a little break from grocery shopping. There are actually some really fun and cute ideas for Halloween decorating, pumpkin carving, costumes and edible treats.  And since you’re at the grocery store anyways, it might inspire you to buy some delicious autumn produce…  apples, butternut squash, acorn squash, pumpkins, cranberries are all at the peak of their season this time of year.



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31 Days of Halloween – Day 20

Posted by on October 20, 2014 | 0 comments

Hallowtober Day #20:

Read the entire book of Edgar Allan Poe poems.  Nuff said!  Quoth the Raven Nevermore!!

Edgar Allen Poe 2

Edgar Allen Poe



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