Why Not Wednesdays

Posted on Dec 3, 2014 | 0 comments

I‘m going to give you a challenge today because, why not?  It’ll be fun.  Sometimes we all need a kick in the pants to jump start our creativity.  We need a whole new reason to be inspired.  You know what I’m talking about, if you’re anything like me and have a pretty regular routine it can sometimes be a challenge to find something new and ‘pause-worthy’ with the same ol’.  I’ve created a list of some things that you can do to shake it up and hopefully feel a renewed vigor for art/cooking/music/wood working/sewing/whatever your fancy, after!  So… why not…

1. Get a new hairstyle/cut/color.  Hard to not be inspired when you’re looking so darn hot!

2. Take a way home that you’ve never gone before.  I’ve heard it said that when you trick your brain into doing something unfamiliar (that you usually do every single day), it fires up the synapses giving you a different perspective, triggering new thoughts, inspiration.

3. Go to a museum you’ve never been before and check out the art that you usually would never consider looking at.  Bam, new perspective!

4. Do something that makes you cringe.  Pick something that you don’t like to do or avoid doing, and DO IT!!  Sometimes its’s no pain no gain.  After you do it more than likely you’ll realize that it wasn’t that bad, and if it is, kudos to you for putting yourself out there in the first place!

5. Let your freak flag fly people!!  Who cares who’s watching or listening.  Belt out your favorite tune, dance in public with reckless abandon and just be wonderful weird you!!  It feels so good to be a freak, embrace it.

6. Take a trip to a foreign land and experience the culture.  Live like the locals, go where they go, eat the food they eat, speak their language.  And if you can’t afford a big trip, explore a new town you’ve never been too before in the state you live.

7. Consider a new career path, especially if you’ve been feeling drained or unfulfilled at your job.  When I was trying to find my path I took a career development course at the local college.  I took some fun personality tests which were sent away to California to be graded.  When they came back it detailed out what career path would be best suited to my personality, and it worked… no surprise here, I was told to do art.  Should’ve listened to that a bit better later on in my career… But I’m back on track now!  Better late than never. And remember, it’s always wisest to find a new job while you have one.  Never jump without a safety net!

8. Try a juice cleanse.  Sometimes cleaning out your body also helps to clear the mind, and who doesn’t need a little of that from time to time!

9. Take a yoga class and chant along with the Om’s, even if it makes you feel uncomfortable.  It has the power to unlock so much.

10. Be bold and make some new friends outside of your social circle.  New minds can help give you new perspectives on everything!

Good luck!  I’ll be following right along with you in these challenges.  Let me know which you choose and how it felt.






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